Appreciative inquiry (AI) is a model that seeks to engage people in examining what works instead of what goes wrong. AI re-directs the focus of problems to taking responsibility, ownership and cooperation. It delivers creativity, involvement and initiative taking.
AI is the intellectual legacy of David Cooperrider who is, together with Suresh Srivastva, internationally recognized as the founder of the theory of Appreciative Inquiry.
There are multiple methods of assessing and evaluating behaviour/situations that propose solutions. The majority is focused on the deficiency model. Questions like “What’s wrong?” or “What needs to be fixed?” are the main topic of discussion. Instead of asking “What’s the problem?” and then follow up with “What do you want to challenge or acquire?” and ‘’Lets come up with some solutions together’’.
AI based questions focus the attention in a particular direction and we belief that it helps asking the right questions that address behaviour and/or situations that concern people that much at that moment that they really want to change in their day-to-day behaviour.